2017 Western Star Operators Manual
An Overdrive survey from a year ago showed minimal e-logging by owner-operators. Since then, many larger fleets have added ELD systems to get a jump on compliance before Dec.
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18, but most independent owner-operators have yet to install an ELD. Since the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s late 2015 release of its final rule for using electronic logging devices, there’s been a rising swell of ELD development. Customers can choose from hardware and software options offered by dozens of vendors, many of them new to the trucking industry. This also means serious preparation on the enforcement side. FMCSA has had reported delays implementing its roadside data-transfer system by which officers will interface electronically with any of these systems. Nevertheless, the agency expects to have it in place prior to Dec. 18, the scheduled enforcement date for using electronic logs.
Fleet-focused onboard devices offer a lot of bells and whistles, but independent owner-operators are likely to gravitate to a baseline-compliance device. They can benefit from additional functions such as IFTA data collection, making mileage tracking automatic and easily reportable.
As you’re making your decision, consider these issues: Support. The final rule specifies an eight-day timeframe for repairing/replacing a malfunctioning ELD. Does the provider stock the kind of hardware inventory to meet such a quick turnaround? How are replacements/repairs handled? For carriers needing more than eight days to replace any ELD, the rule also spelled out a process for requesting more time. It involves contacting your state’s FMCSA division office and making your case.
FMCSA registry and compliance. Exemptions: Few beyond older trucks Perhaps the biggest exemption to FMCSA’s ELD requirement is the exclusion of 1999 and older model-year trucks from complying. Narrower exemptions exist for the following applications:.
Drivers in drive-away/tow-away operations, where the vehicle being driven is the commodity being delivered. Drivers operating under the timecard exception to the hours-recording rules – the 100- and 150-air-mile radius short-haul exceptions – exclusively. Drivers who occasionally keep a logbook but do not do so for more than eight days in any 30-day period.
Technically, compliant ELDs must be on FMCSA’s registry of devices. The agency’s vetting process does not entail testing for compliance, relying largely on manufacturers to self-certify that they meet the rule specs. That’s prompted worry among motor carriers about what happens if their device is later found to be noncompliant. FMCSA’s website addresses that scenario: “FMCSA will work with affected motor carriers to establish a reasonable timeframe for replacing non-compliant devices.” At this stage, part of the complexity involving the registry is that automatic onboard recording devices meeting fairly minimal requirements compared to ELD specs are essentially grandfathered through Dec. The rule notes that any carrier installing an AOBRD prior to this year’s ELD enforcement date can use that device until the 2019 date. Practically, what that means is that enforcing the requirement to use a registry-listed device is unlikely before that time, particularly for carriers who comply with the ELD rule and install an engine-connected e-log prior to Dec. So the registry’s importance for carriers choosing ELDs at this stage is minimal.
As the, many established ELD vendors remain off the registry. Those providers consulted for stories in this buyer’s guide, if not already on the registry, expressed plans for eventual ELD compliance for their products through firmware/software updates as the enforcement rollout progresses. Nonetheless, for any product not listed on the registry, ask the vendor about its plans for registering its device and whether it has a plan for success and support for its product beyond 2019. ISE Fleet Services’ eFleetSuite baseline compliance device is a dedicated unit with its own cellular data connection but without a lot of extra functionality beyond logs. All compliant electronic logging devices will share a common bond: They can record data coming in from the system that controls the truck’s engine and component parts. Ms192t stihl.
The was specific in requiring synchronization with the electronic control module. That’s one of the reasons the agency The rule requires ELDs to automatically record date, time, location information, engine hours, vehicle miles and identification information for the driver, carrier and vehicle itself. Unless the driver is enabled for, ELDs are required to record all of those elements “when the driver indicates a change of duty status or a change to a special driving category” such as a yard move, the rule states.
When in motion, ELDs are required to record all of the information on an hourly basis at a minimum. Many ELDs are offered as part of systems built for detailed tracking purposes, useful to fleets and owner-operators for purposes such as automatic notification of arrival times. Those systems are capable of recording in a much more refined manner, and some may default to that.
Providers may or may not have the ability to adjust the refinement. Though there are plenty of variations, two types of ELDs have emerged. In dedicated unit configurations, the device is supplied by the provider and is likely to remain in the truck.
BYOD (“bring your own device”) systems allow buyers to purchase their own hardware for the driver interface, such as an owner-operator using an app on a personal Android- or iOS-powered smartphone. A carrier may seek out a deal on tablets to dedicate to its power units and drivers. Dedicated units. Most older forms of electronic logging devices, known as electronic onboard recorders (EOBRs) or automatic onboard recording devices (AOBRDs), have been the dedicated-unit type.
Two examples that have been available for years are Omnitracs’ MCP series and PeopleNet’s current products used by many drivers employed by or leased to larger carriers. Many of these units provide ELD functionality in a single device package tied directly to the ECM by a cable and plug. Like mobile phones, such units use connections to the cellular network and GPS functionality to deliver on the ELD rule’s requirements for recording location, mileage and engine hours.
Data storage occurs using a combination of the internet cloud, back-office servers and the device itself. A notable exception among devices available for years now exists in the base model of the Continental VDO RoadLog, which is limited to hours of service recording and inspection-report functionality.
With no connection to the cellular network with the device, fleets and owner-operators manage data storage via a USB-connected drive to transfer records to a laptop or other computer. Other dedicated devices may pair two pieces of hardware, bridging the gap between the traditional single-unit EOBR and the two-piece BYOD systems readily available today. In most cases, those devices when a BYOD and a dedicated version exist from one manufacturer. While the J.J.
Keller Encompass and Rand McNally DC200 systems both are BYOD-capable, they also are offered with company-branded Android tablets that come preloaded with software: the Compliance Tablet from Keller and the TND from Rand McNally. Any fleet or owner-operator willing to make the investment in dedicated tablets can turn a BYOD system into a dedicated one.
For years, Bill Frerichs of St. Louis-based Frerichs Freight Lines has run the BigRoad logging app on Android tablets dedicated to his 10 trucks.
Though Frerichs at press time still was evaluating his options for mandate compliance, moving all 10 of his trucks’ tablets to ELD functionality could be as simple as signing on with BigRoad’s program for leasing engine-connection hardware to pair to the tablets. Jack Schwalbach, who manages the private fleet of Reinders, a Wisconsin-based turf and irrigation products company, did just that with Geotab.
“We have dedicated tablets,” Schwalbach says. “The tablets are used just for logging – the data plan, we have locked down. Everybody’s got their smartphone on their own, so they use that” for anything else. Bring your own device. The KeepTruckin BYOD-style ELD “black box” connects to the ECM via cable and plugin.
KeepTruckin recommends users mount the device in the dash to maintain a clear GPS connection. The device pairs with the KT app on a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth connection. The “bring your own device” phrase and its BYOD acronym came into use with the profusion of smartphones over the past decade. In trucking, it’s a common term to describe a major part of today’s ELD market. Dozens of providers are offering their own versions of BYOD systems. A BYOD-configured ELD consists of a “dongle” that connects to the ECM via the cab’s onboard diagnostics port. The dongle typically pairs via a Bluetooth connection with a smartphone or tablet to transmit data.
Software from the ELD vendor on your smartphone or tablet enables you to change duty status manually when you stop. When your vehicle goes into motion, the ELD automatically will shift to the drive line in the log book. Variations exist. The engine-connection dongle may or may not have a cellular connection.
In the case of the KeepTruckin ELD, the ECM-connected device maintains a GPS connection but no cellular connectivity itself. For that, the system relies on the connected smartphone or tablet and its data plan. Meanwhile, Geotab’s Go — also a BYOD solution (and marketed as the Transflo ELD T7 by Pegasus TransTech) — maintains its own cellular connection and is capable of being updated and troubleshot over the air if software/firmware updates are needed. Previous versions of rules that would have mandated electronic logs for some carriers would have required the devices to notify drivers regarding their hours status when they were approaching a limit.
That feature is not a part of the device specs for the new rule, but many e-log providers offer quick-glance views, such as the one shown from ERoad, that amount to quick-compliance dashboards, showing time remaining in the daily and cumulative hours limits. While electronic logs generally automate parts of logkeeping and in some ways simplify the rest, they still require direct driver involvement in most duty status changes.
As any driver will know, too, turning the entire process over to a device and its interaction with the truck just isn’t possible. As with paper logs, drivers using electronic logs are in control of all duty status inputs. The exception is the drive line, which functions automatically as specified by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s final rule. It’s also the only status the driver will be unable to edit directly through his driver login. To minimize the need for annotations required with any edit, the long-in-practice habit of “catching up the logbook” by drivers will mostly fall by the wayside. With no pencil to be pushed across paper, as long as the device is operational and open, duty-status changes happen with the simple push of a button in real time. Edits made by the driver are possible for every line but the drive line, which is locked down since drive time is based on vehicle movement.
The drive line can be edited from the administrator’s account to classify an unassigned driving event or drive time as personal conveyance or a yard move. Any edits made from the administrator account in the back-office login must be certified as accurate by the driver. This occurs through the driver’s user interface of the ELD when the edit is made. An independent owner-operator may have two separate logins for the system: one as a driver, the other as the administrator.
An independent lacking two email addresses may need to get a second one. Some systems require unique addresses to associate with the logins as administrator and driver-user. When it comes to the look and feel of the user interface that e-log provider companies are required to produce, the ELD final rule leaves plenty of room for variation. It did, however, make these requirements of all ELDs. Ray Cox, Mobile Warrior sales director, says his company’s iDDL device has a “touch-free ELD gauge.” The screen, locked while the truck is in motion, “shows the driver everything going on from a compliance perspective.
Our gauge will show how many hours and minutes are left before the driver must take a 30-minute break or how long they have left for driving, and if they have any violations that need to be addressed.” 1) A graph grid of any driver user’s hours analogous to that used in paper logs, showing the various off-duty, sleeper berth, driving and on-duty not-driving lines. The grid display – or as an alternative, a printout, being used by Continental’s VDO RoadLog device and its built-in printer – is intended for quick interpretation by law enforcement. This serves as a backup to other required methods of data transfer. Most providers integrate the grid into the driver’s basic log view on the interface. Many reproduce it with further information in a special inspection screen for display to law enforcement, similar to what officers are used to seeing on paper today. 2) On-duty driving status is required to be triggered automatically when the speed hits 5 mph. If the driver is not logged into the system prior to that change in status, an “unassigned driving event” is recorded by the system and can be reconciled only from the administrator account, not via the driver interface.
According to the rule, after a driving status is triggered, the vehicle is considered in motion by the ELD until “speed falls to 0 miles per hour and stays at 0 miles per hour for 3 consecutive seconds,” after which manual duty status changes are possible. FMCSA noted it would expect that in most cases drivers would make a duty status change in such an event before shutting the vehicle down. The ELD will record all engine on/off activity. 3) The default duty status for any ELD is on-duty not-driving. Absent a driver’s direct change, after the vehicle has been in motion, the ELD automatically should transfer the driver to Line 4 after the vehicle has been stationary for five minutes. 4) Yard moves functionality was specified in the ELD final rule as a way for carriers to move vehicles around company terminals without automatically triggering an on-duty driving status. Yard-moves mode for particular drivers will be enabled from the administrator account and then selected by the driver when making a yard move.
The default status for a yard move is Line 4, on-duty not-driving. 5) Personal conveyance uses of the truck while off-duty also are enabled from the administrator account for drivers. The personal conveyance mode then can be selected by the driver using the truck for personal reasons during off-duty periods.
Once selected, the default duty status is off-duty for the ELD for as long as it’s selected, including when in motion. GPS refinement is reduced during personal conveyance mode selection from a 1-mile radius to 10 miles. 6) Various hours exemptions and special rule variants such as those pertaining to the 30-minute break and rules for oilfield operations can be handled as they have been, FMCSA’s rule states, via notes sections to the logs. With the exception of yard moves and personal conveyance, “all other special driving categories, such as adverse driving conditions or oilfield operations would be annotated by the driver, similar to the way they are now.” However, numerous ELD providers support special oilfield rule sets, including Apollo, E-Log Plus, Hutch, Omnitracs’ XRS device, PeopleNet and others. Longtime GPS device maker Garmin recently became just the fifth ELD provider out of more than 60 to offer a device that’s operable without a direct ongoing monthly service fee. Garmin’s eLog device, shown in the hand in this picture of a demo unit, retails for $250 and can pair with Android- and iOS-powered devices, as well as devices in Garmin’s dezl line of GPS navigation devices. As efforts to derail the electronic logging device mandate continue to fail, more fleet owners are considering their options.
With the mandate’s Dec. 18 enforcement date only a month away, software and hardware providers old and new are trying to set themselves apart. For the fleet owner who’s certain to be part of the industry for a long time and who wants simplicity at a low price, the devices available without a monthly subscription fee can be a good match. As of press time, five providers offered either a dedicated-unit or BYOD (bring your own device) ELD for a onetime purchase price. For the four BYOD devices here, freeware installed on a phone or tablet supports the engine plug-in for full in-cab and/or back-office functionality. For the one dedicated unit provider, Continental’s VDO RoadLog is supported via laptop software and a USB-based data transfer device for updates.
Prices overall have continued to fall. What might be the most affordable device, One20’s provocatively named F-ELD, is available for $170 and even less for drivers eligible for discounts.
If results of a 2016 Comdata survey are any indication, the F-ELD and other generally low-cost ELDs are about to see a surge in orders. Cost was identified as the top selection criteria of a third of all respondents. Cost was a factor for Utah-based Wade Spencer, owner of a four-truck fleet of Freightliner Cascadias outfitted with Blue Ink Technology’s BIT ELD.
The BIT electronic control module plug-in device is available for $295, ordered directly through the company’s website. Free smartphone/tablet apps available for both Android and iOS devices provide the driver interface. For his reefer fleet, Spencer invested in four BITs for his own 2015 Cascadia, the truck of his Utah-based partner-owner and two operated by drivers in Ohio. To serve the company’s principal shipper account, Spencer and the partner load out of Utah and meet the company’s other two Ohio-based drivers in Morris, Illinois, to swap loaded reefers with the others’ empties. Adding ELDs was just another expense to be minimized.
Spencer says his biggest issue with another BYOD ELD product he tried, BigRoad, was its monthly fee. BigRoad charges $25 per truck for full ELD service. With BIT, he’s eliminated those fees and also mitigated an issue he saw with BigRoad and BYOD ELD competitor KeepTruckin.
“They don’t leave things simple” when it comes to the driver’s navigation upon making changes, in Spencer’s view. “My partner’s 72 years old, almost done trucking. One of our Ohio drivers is 58 or 59, one is 68.
I’ve got older drivers who can’t stand change and technology.” With brothers Mike and Chris Riegel of Blue Ink, Spencer believes he’s found a company committed to simplicity. The Zed ELD’s U.S.-based support team is available from 8 a.m. ET, says sales director Jill Nowlin.
“Drivers have the ability to contact support straight from their Zed mobile app, direct calls or through the Fleet Management portal as well. They can also email through phone, app and the website.” Nowlin also expressed confidence, as did other suppliers featured in this story, in the company’s ability to replace a malfunctioning ELD unit in eight days or less, as the ELD final rule stipulates carriers must do.“I said, ‘If you’re going to make changes, leave the old version, or have the option to leave the screens as they sit. I cannot deal with lots of changes with these guys who just don’t want to deal with technology.’ ” Spencer proposed a fix, and they accommodated that and other suggestions, he says.
All five companies to one degree or another sing the same tune, offering low costs and simplicity to appeal to the small fleet market. Zed, whose Zed Connect ELD is its first product, was launched by Cummins as a separate but affiliated company to provide technology features to fleets. “There are a lot of truckers out there who don’t want to have that monthly fee and the charges for a lot of things that aren’t applicable to their business,” said Jill Nowlin, sales director. One20’s marketing of the F-ELD, as suggested by the name, is targeted directly to those who see the mandated shift to e-logs as little more than a nuisance or worse.
The driver-oriented company’s principal smartphone app attempts to harness the buying power of groups to deliver discounts on services and products on the road. Continental has long spoken of its noncellular base model VDO RoadLog as a small fleet-focused device. Sales manager Jeff Waterstreet notes ongoing confidence in that pitch, though the RoadLog is the most expensive among devices without monthly fees. “VDO is maybe the only appliance-type device that’s out there specifically designed to record hours of service, Waterstreet says. Also given that it doesn’t open up a cellular connection to the internet, Waterstreet believes it will appeal to a small fleet interested in covering the need for an ELD with a device dedicated to logging and little else. Continental’s VDO RoadLog is the only dedicated ELD with a built-in printer for log checks, which sales manager Jeff Waterstreet believes roadside enforcement is going to like as states continue to transition to electronic ELD data transfer.
At press time, FMCSA continued to work on building out infrastructure for that, and most states had yet to be close to implementing it. The company’s positioned to service its user base in the event of malfunctions, given a distribution network that includes most major truck dealers. Hotshot driver Buster Lewis, based near Charlotte, North Carolina, runs with the VDO RoadLog and lauds Continental’s technical support. “This company has treated me like I have a fleet of trucks,” Lewis says. The RoadLog comes with a built-in printer and a one-year warranty, which the company honored twice for Lewis after early iterations of the product gave him trouble. Yet another trucking household name has gotten into this market, turning heads earlier in the year when it announced intentions to market a no-monthly-fee ELD product.
Garmin’s eLog ECM plug-in ($250) is operable with BYOD Android and iOS devices and also is compatible with the company’s dezl line of truck-specific GPS navigators. Says Tim Farrell, Garmin’s national accounts sales manager, “We saw a need for one that was not going to require a subscription and major installation processes with third parties being involved.” The Garmin eLog plugs into the diagnostics port and has a built-in nine-pin connector.
“We also include a six-pin adapter,” enabling it to cover the majority of commercial trucks, Farrell says, though Mack/Volvo is a bit different. “No subscription is a huge benefit,” he says. Farrell also sees his company’s pricing model as covering a hole in the ELD market, one that’s going to give all of them a leg up in the mad dash to adopt as Dec. 18 approaches.
“We’ve definitely tried to make sure we’ve got things set up with our distributor partners and key retailers that will be carrying it,” Farrell says. “It’s a sort of onetime thing. It’s a push all at once, and it may be a consistent sales volume after that.”. In a perfect world, any ELD software developer could leverage the mileage and engine data from telematics devices that truck makers install at the factory. The data could be accessed by a mobile app through a local Bluetooth connection or be fed to apps installed on a truck’s touchscreen infotainment system. Absent a printer as a backup, the ELD rule requires that logs be viewable by law enforcement officers in a display.
For this reason, it might not make sense for truck makers to install a computing device with a non-mobile display, says Wes Mays, director of OEM solutions for Omnitracs. Most truck makers are not in the ELD business — at least not yet — but their investments in remote diagnostics and telematics can pay dividends for third-party ELD providers.
Paccar installs a PeopleNet telematics unit in Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks with Paccar MX-13 engines at the factory. To run PeopleNet’s eDriver Logs application, truck owners would need to purchase or lease one of the vendor’s driver displays, but they would gain additional value beyond compliance.
“The customer gets access to Paccar’s detailed and advanced maintenance services preloaded on the device, along with PeopleNet’s fleet management capabilities,” says Eric Witty, vice president of product for PeopleNet. Daimler Trucks North America installs Zonar’s telematics unit, the V3, in Freightliner and Western Star trucks at the factory.
DTNA uses V3 to power its Virtual Technician remote diagnostics service, allowing Zonar’s Connect and 2020 tablets to run the ELD application. The 2018 Freightliner Cascadia has a new platform with the capability to integrate with other third-party ELD applications, says Greg Treinen, sales and marketing manager of connectivity for DTNA. Navistar recently expanded its OnCommand Connection diagnostics platform. The company rolled out OnCommand Connection Telematics and OnCommand Connection Marketplace, which features an ELD app. See the chart below for more information. Several providers did not meet the deadline to be included in the chart below with this package of stories, and can be examined online.
As new products are introduced and existing products are added to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s ELD registry, that online chart will be updated. Scroll the chart right to examine the full range of devices. Provider A1 ELD Apollo Solutions AT&T Fleet Complete ATS Fleet Management Solutions BigRoad Blue Ink Technology Blue Tree Systems CarrierWeb Cartasite Continental Coretex Dispatching Solutions DriveELD DriverTech Eclipse Software E-Log Plus ELD Solutions EROAD Fleetmatics FleetUp Forward Thinking Systems Garmin International GeoSpace Labs Geotab Gorilla Safety Gorilla Safety GPS Insight HOS 247 HOS Reporter Hutch iGlobal ISE Fleet Services J.J. Product Roundup AT&T Fleet Complete Fleet Complete provides fleet management telematics and technologies to businesses of all sizes. It has an exclusive relationship with AT&T to provide a nationwide wireless network and an intuitive cloud-based IoT platform. The AT&T Fleet Complete ELD, powered by BigRoad, is designed to be simple and flexible. It automates recordkeeping and improves compliance without interfering with the driver’s actions. The app proactively notifies drivers of hours-of-service violations and form-and-manner errors, allowing them to correct issues before they result in costly fines. It is available on Android and iOS, requiring no proprietary mobile device. There is no initial cost, and the monthly fee starts at $25/month.
The integrated AT&T Fleet Complete BigRoad platform is offered through our North American channel partner, AT&T. We are proud to be the winner of this year’s Frost & Sullivan Award for Customer Value Leadership in ELD Solutions Industry. AT&T Fleet Complete, Compliance Assurance Services TruLog Compliance Assurance Services’ TruLog is a mobile app for electronic logging device compliance that meets all FMCSA regulatory requirements. The ELD easily plugs in to the vehicle’s electronic control module, which communicates with the app on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) and transmits required data to update hours-of-service information that is stored securely and shared easily with safety investigators and regulatory agencies. The user-friendly app has a sleek design that’s simple to use and easy to read. The information includes easy-to-understand updates on mileage, fuel and GPS location. The app’s comprehensive tools provide advanced functionality such as electronic DVIRs, automated maintenance work orders and accident reporting.
It is designed for simple, fast image and file uploading, including bills of lading or pictures from an accident. The app’s multi-user capability allows owner-operators to manage two accounts, one as a driver and one as a supervisor. Compliance Assurance Services, Continental VDO RoadLog VDO RoadLog has a built-in thermal printer that provides an instant hard copy that resembles a traditional paper logbook grid for an inspection officer to review.
A paper printout eliminates technical issues involving transferring log data that otherwise might lead to drivers handing over their personal cell phones to an officer or having the officer climb into the cab to review an electronic logging device screen. VDO RoadLog ELDs work with VDO RoadLog Office, an online fleet management tool for automated compliance reporting designed for fast, secure data transfers and automatic online record backup. The product also helps automate IRP and IFTA reporting, as well as pre-and post-trip inspections. VDO RoadLog is designed for easy installation and use and is available without monthly fees or contracts. Optional features include Driver/Vehicle Track & Trace, Load & Trip Management, VDO RoadLog Office Advanced and VDO RoadLog Office Premium. VDO Commercial Vehicles, Coretex Drive The FMCSA-registered Coretex Drive electronic logging device is a purpose-built tablet-based in-cab system that links drivers to vehicles and vehicles to dispatchers.
Working in harmony with Coretex 360, Drive gives drivers the information they need to do their jobs efficiently and safely. Built around a modular app framework, Coretex Drive also offers single-pane-of-glass access to turn-by-turn trucking navigation, messaging, jobs, DVIRs, checklists, fatigue information, real-time driver feedback, IFTA data collection, vehicle service management, tracking, replay and a choice of custom applications. Drive is optimized to run on Coretex-supplied Samsung and TomTom Bridge tablets, and the system also makes it easy to roll out Android-based mobile apps to drivers quickly and securely. The initial cost for the device and service is $200, and the ongoing lease or service fees per truck are $42 per month and higher.
Coretex, Geotab Drive Geotab Drive is a FMCSA-compliant device for monitoring hours of service, DVIRs and driver identification. The app syncs data between the Geotab Go plug-in device and a tablet to provide automatic duty status changes, violation alerts and end-to-end inspection workflow, all in one user-friendly platform. Geotab Drive is compatible with the company’s Go 6 and Go 7 devices, IOX-USB and Android or iOS. In addition to electronic logging, Go’s capabilities include IFTA data collection, engine diagnostics, driver scorecards, safety/risk management functions and data integration for management; more custom additions are available from the Geotab Marketplace. The initial cost for the FMCSA-registered device is $170, and the ongoing lease or service fee per truck is about $20 to $30 per month. Geotab, GPS INSIGHT ELD-2000 GPS Insight’s ELD-2000 system bundles a GPS tracking, alerting and reporting device hardwired to a ruggedized Android tablet designed with an intuitive user interface.
The electronic logging device also offers messaging for drivers and dispatch to reduce the number of phone calls and streamline communications with individual drivers or the entire fleet, as well as navigation to allow management to dispatch audible and visual directions using designated truck-specific routes for each job to drivers. A web-based management portal is accessible via PC, tablet and smartphone. Costs range from $34.96 to $60 depending on customer requirements and purchasing method. GPS Insight, J.J. Keller Encompass The J.J.
Keller suite of electronic hours-of-service products provides companies a full range of services, including electronic logging device technology, startup assistance, data management and HOS guidance. Keller ELogs offers flexibility with an ELD that works with all vehicle classes, can be used with drivers’ smart devices and installs in just 10 minutes. Keller ELogs features the Encompass cloud-based fleet management system that automatically audits drivers’ logs against available HOS rule sets, helping fleet professionals immediately identify violations through exception-based reports and compliance alerts. Encompass offers fleets the ability to accommodate personal conveyance and track nonregulated and exempt drivers, giving companies a real-time view of critical fleet information. Fleets can upgrade Encompass for automated IFTA reporting; paperless recordkeeping; tracking of driver qualification, alcohol and drug reporting; accident tracking; unit permitting and registration documentation; and more.
Keller, Pedigree Technologies Cab-Mate One Pedigree Technologies recently launched Cab-Mate One as the most affordable and easiest electronic logging plug-and-play device to install (five minutes). The Cab-Mate One is the third addition to the company’s FMCSA-certified ELD Chrome offering, built on the award-winning, intuitive and reliable OneView platform. Not only are packages based on a customer’s specific needs and budget, the offerings also are developed using customer feedback and real-life applications. This means Android-ready ELD Chrome offers FMCSA compliance with options for expandability into a full suite of comprehensive business management tools, from basic ELD to trailer, equipment and asset tracking and tire pressure, tank level and temperature monitoring. ELD Chrome was designed to enable consistent real-time visibility and actionable information with reliable connectivity and a fleet manager-approved interface. Monthly fees are as low as $22/month depending on expanded applications and quantity pricing. The Cab-Mate One runs as low at $399 each when purchasing 100 or more units; $0 with lease.
Pedigree Technologies, Pegasus TransTech Transflo ELD T7 Pegasus TransTech’s Transflo ELD T7 is a BYOD device – smartphone or tablet – that is easy to use and available for both Android and iOS. At less than 3 inches, the device is durable and compact. Plug in and activate in minutes without a mechanic or special tools.
The Standard ELD Plan includes hours-of-service compliance, DVIRs and IFTA reporting information. The premium Fleet Telematics plan adds detailed truck maintenance and engine performance data, as well as driver behavior insights. It’s also available with transportation management software system integration. The hardware is available for less than $99, with monthly subscriptions starting at $18.
Transflo ELD T7 can be integrated with the rest of the Transflo Mobile product suite. Manage not only HOS but also loads, dispatch chat, weather and routing, document scanning, settlement statements and more. The device is available for purchase from Transflo, Transflo channel partners and Pilot Flying J, Love’s and TA Petro travel stops. Pegasus TransTech, Electronic Logging from Quartix Vehicle tracking specialists Quartix’s Electronic Logging product puts its current and future customers into compliance with FMCSA’s mandate. It can be installed on its own or partnered with the company’s comprehensive vehicle tracking services. Available on the Google Play Store and compatible with Android tablet devices, Quartix’s Electronic Logging uses simple menu screens and input fields that allow drivers to log and change their duty status with minimal effort.
2017 Western Star Operator Manual
“Having been in the vehicle telematics industry for over 15 years providing fleet owners with management reports extending from real-time GPS tracking to IFTA filing figures, we are delighted to be able to further support our growing long-haul trucking customer base with our FMCSA-compliant solution,” says Ed Ralph, Quartix chief operating officer. Starting at just $14.99, Quartix’s Electronic Logging is affordable for any budget. Quartix, UTech GPSTab ELD Edition GPSTab ELD Edition provides a powerful suite of tools to help you manage your fleet and comply with FMCSA regulations (AOBRD option coming soon). Evaluate the product risk-free with the company’s 30-day money-back guarantee with no contract and an “If Repealed” buy-back program and free software option for 2017. It features live GPS tracking, location sharing, document scanning, driver scorecards, IFTA accounting, messaging, flexible reporting, detention hours tracking and telematics.
The ability to share live shipment locations with customers reduces unnecessary tracking-related correspondence, enabling dispatchers to manage more accounts and focus on customer service. Tracking intervals from five seconds to one hour supply fleet owners with accurate, relevant information for better fleet management. Monitor location, speed, miles traveled, route selection and other driver activities to improve overall fleet safety and operations. Alerts help drivers prevent violations, and proof of detention time and document scanning help drivers get paid faster. GPSTab ELD Edition, Zonar Connect Zonar Connect is a dedicated electronic logging device-compliant tablet that also offers Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity for dispatch, management and operational functions, as well as a camera, navigation, Android compatibility and over-the-air updates. Zonar Connect is connected even when outside of the cab, allowing the driver to submit completed documents and electronic DVIRs to dispatch without returning to the truck. The tablet recharges in its in-cab cradle and integrates with the company’s Ground Traffic Control to help provide fleets with better visibility of assets on the road. Pricing for the unit and ongoing service varies according to fleet size, service plan and options chosen.