Cdph Fluoroscopy Study Guide
The following are instructions on how to obtain a California Fluoroscopy and Operator Permit.!! Obtaining the permit is a 3 part process and takes about 3-6 months to complete.! Note: All applications and study material are also available as. The following link offers additional information by the CDPH on the Fluoroscopy Examination. Syllabus that served as the examination's study material. The new examination content is referenced to the National Council on Radiation Protection and.
RENEWAL OF CDPH-RHB RADIOGRAPHY X-RAY SUPERVISOR & OPERATOR PERMIT (XSOP) - Required Every 2 Years (biennual) (Last Update 13-October-2018) In California, a licentiate degree to practice (MD, DO, DC, DPM, PA) does NOT allow said doctor to apply or use x-rays on human beings. There are only two classes of individuals allowed to apply x-rays to human beings: licentiate supervisors and technologists, each State certified by exam and permitted. The CDPH-RHB Radiography X-Ray Supervisor And Operator Permit (XSOP) is exactly the same for all California licentiates (MD, DO, DC, DPM, PA), and all California licentiates take exactly the same CDPH-RHB Radiography X-Ray Supervisor And Operator Permit exam to get one.
Every facility that applies x-rays to human beings (for example radiography) must have a certified licentiate supervisor (MD, DO, DC, DPM, PA) available and on duty when any and all radiographs are being produced. Each supervisor on duty is responsible for everything related to x-ray that occurs at that facility, and is required by law to have a legible copy of a current XSOP posted on the wall of that facility, and any other facility they may supervise. A current valid XSOP allows a licentiate to both supervise and take x-rays.
If for any reason the supervisor loses his license to practice, he then automatically loses the XSOP attached to his license. Two classes of State permitted technologists are allowed to apply x-rays to human beings: certified x-ray technologists (RT) and limited permit x-ray technicians (XT), only under the supervision of a licentiate supervisor, and only by written prescription. Summarizing, only a certified RT or XT being supervised by a licentiate (MD, DO, DC, DPM, PA) possessing a valid XSOP, or a licentiate possessing a valid XSOP (or a medical radiologist possessing a Radiology Supervisor Certificate), can legally activate an x-ray machine on human beings.
Anyone who activates an x-ray machine on a human being without any of these certifications has committed a misdemeanor punishable by jail time and fines. Beginning 2004, Section 30403 of Title 17, California Code of Regulations (CCR), administered by the California Department Of Public Health, Radiologic Health Branch (CDPH-RHB aka RHB), requires that all California X-Ray Supervisor And Operator Permit (XSOP) holders earn 10 approved x-ray Continuing Education Credits (CEC) before renewal, which is every two years (biennial).
“An approved CEC is one hour of instruction received in subjects related to the application of x-ray to the human body and accepted for purposes of credentialing, assigning professional status or certification by any of the following groups: (a) American Registry of Radiologic Technologists; (b) Medical Board of California; (c) Osteopathic Medical Board of California; (d) Board of Podiatric Medicine; (e) California Board of Chiropractic Examiners; (f) Board of Dental Examiners” - quoted directly from the CDPH-RHB renewal form. Note that acceptable course subjects include x-ray physics, technology and protection; x-ray diagnosis; x-ray therapy; even CT and fluoroscopy. Courses in non-x-ray imaging such as sonography, MRI and nuclear medicine (bone scan, PET, SPECT, etc.) are NOT acceptable. Note that the biennial x-ray requirement administered by the RHB is separate and distinct from the CA BCE annual chiropractic license renewal requirements. I recommend that every DC visit the BCE website at (LINKS ALSO AT BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE) to confirm that any prospective post-graduate course is approved. Section 30403 of the CCR also states that you file your renewal paperwork and pay the renewal fee at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of your XSOP, to assure adequate processing time. If you do not renew your XSOP, it will automatically be suspended the day after the expiration date on your XSOP.
CDPH-RHB mails renewal paperwork to all doctors (MD, DO, DC, DPM, PA) possessing an XSOP every two years for XSOP renewal. This renewal paperwork should arrive at your residence 30-45 days before the expiration date on your permit. Note that the RHB is not perfect, and neither is the Post Office, and for any number of reasons any doctor may not get their renewal paperwork. This is where the doctor must be vigilant and note that his permit is about to expire, and no renewal paperwork ever arrived. If that happens to you, please browse down 6 paragraphs and read the section in red. You must download a special renewal form from the RHB and mail in your money and proof of continuing education on your own.
Cdph Fluoroscopy License
Failure to renew is considered to be the doctor's fault. To REINSTATE your suspended XSOP, either e-mail the CDPH-RHB or send them a letter requesting to be reinstated. Your California XSOP will be revoked if you do not pay your renewal fees and earn your required continuing education credits within six (6) months of suspension.
A revoked XSOP can be reinstated within five and one half (5 1/2) years of suspension if you pay your renewal plus penalty fees and earn your required number of continuing education credits. If more than five and one half (5 1/2) years lapse after suspension, your XSOP is considered permanently revoked.
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Now you must file a new application to the RHB for a NEW CDPH-RHB XSOP, and RE-SIT THE WHOLE EXAMINATION PROCESS! This requires a non-refundable application fee of $127.00, plus a non-refundable testing fee of $275.00 paid over and over again until you pass the test (note fee increase as of September 1, 2017). If you need to apply for a NEW CDPH-RHB Radiography X-Ray Supervisor and Operator permit, do the following: Click on which takes you to the main website. After the Radiologic Health Branch webpage loads, Click on: X-ray & NMT Certification & Permitting, after that page loads, Click on: Applications & FAQs. After that page loads, browse down to: Licentiate Forms (MD, DO, DC, DPM, PA) - this is where you need to be. From this section select: CDPH 8230 California Licentiate Supervisor and Operator (S&O) Permits DO NOT USE FOR PERMIT RENEWAL. Print out the 2-page application form, fill it out and send it to the RHB with all supporting documents and a non-refundable application fee of $127.00 (reflects fee increase September 1, 2017). You will be contacted by the RHB within thirty (30) calendar days with instructions on which examinations you must pass within one (1) calendar year to obtain the permit(s).
If your application is not acceptable to the RHB, they will contact you with instructions for more documentation, fees, etc., which you must submit within thirty (30) calendar days in order for CDPH-RHB to consider the application acceptable. If your application is approved, you will be directed to the new ARRT/CA/RHB website to sign up for an exam and pay an additional non-refundable exam fee of $275.00 (pays for one exam).
After you pay for an exam, you will be directed to their new web-based study materials on the ASRT website costing an additional $349.00. If you do not select an exam date and take the test within the allotted year, then you must submit a new application and fees to begin the process again. One application gives you the opportunity to take the test multiple times within a year. You must be aggressive with this process or risk losing considerable time and money.
Since July 1, 2018 the CDPH-RHB Radiography X-Ray Supervisor & Operator Permit (XSOP) exam process transferred from the RHB to the ARRT. Before this date I offered a mature and quite effective webinar-based 9 hour prep course to help doctors pass the test and get a XSOP. Because of significant changes in exam content, my old prep course cannot be used for the new ARRT-administered exam.
I am in the process of building a new prep course aimed squarely at the new exam which you can read about at CONTINUING EDUCATION, COURSE DETAILS. Consider scrolling down and adding your name to my email list (it's free) so you will be notified when this happens. I highly recommend that you NOT allow your XSOP to ever lapse, because returning your expired/revoked permit to active status is expensive, time-consuming and now even more difficult! I have had numerous conversations with doctors who were convinced they would never need their XSOP again, for many different reasons, and then let it expire.
Years later 'they're back', need a XSOP, and have to RE-TEST! IMPORTANT: You MUST RENEW your XSOP every two years as required (with fees & CE credits), period. It matters not if you do or do not use it to supervise or take x-rays. It is a separate renewal mailing, unrelated to Chiropractic renewal and not included in your biennial x-ray tube registration fee. A CDPH statute requires that you report any change of name or address to CDPH-RHB within thirty (30) days of the change, and failure to do so is not only a violation of that statute, but also a common reason doctors do not get their biennial XSOP renewal paperwork. If your XSOP is close to expiring, and you did not receive the CDPH-RHB renewal billing paperwork 30-45 days prior to your expiration date, log on to the CDPH-RHB site (see above) and under the section titled: Licentiate Forms (i.e., MD, DO, DC, DPM, PA), click on: CDPH 8238 SRA (PDF, New Window) Special Renewal Application - California Supervisor and Operator Certificate or Permit, and print out the form.
Complete the form and mail it in with your payment (I would send it priority or certified mail because failure to properly renew is generally considered to be the doctor's fault). DO NOT LET YOUR PERMIT LAPSE BEYOND 5 ½ YEARS before taking action. If you do you will absolutely regret it! For your protection, keep track, and good records, of your biennial XSOP renewals. Every two years you must replace your XSOP displayed on the wall in your office with the current (renewed) copy. This is among the first things a State inspector checks after he enters your office. Put this on your list of things you MUST remember to do.
Prevent that twinge of fear you will feel after learning you must RE-TEST for a NEW Radiography X-Ray Supervisor & Operator permit! I email x-ray tips, including interesting cases, monthly to those on my email list. If you would like to be added to my list, please click the blue button. Thank you for visiting my site, and please email suggestions for improvement. The American Chiropractic College Of Radiology (ACCR) is the parent organization to which all Diplomates of the American Chiropractic Board Of Radiology (Chiropractic Radiologists - DACBR) in good standing belong. The initials DACBR is trademarked and belongs to the ACBR.
Only DCs who have passed the rigorous ACBR exam may display the initials DACBR after their name. X-Ray CEC taught by a DC and applied to renewal of your XSOP must be taught by a DACBR, per SBCE. To find information about becoming a chiropractic radiologist (DACBR), or about the ACCR, browse to the ACBR: or ACCR:, websites, or CLICK THE LINKS below. Web Links For Your Convenience.
Announcements This website is for California RHB radiologic certificates or permits only and not for ARRT certification and registration. For ARRT certification and registration, please go to the website. The State Licensing Content Specifications changed as of January 1, 2018. The Supervisor and Operator Radiography exam content is changing 7.1.2018. If you plan on completing your SOR exam after 6.30.18, review the. If you prefer using a paper process to pay for your exam, you must send a copy of your CDPH-RHB eligibility letter and a cashier's check or money order made payable to the ARRT. Personal and business checks are not acceptable.
California Fluoroscopy Test Study
If you require testing accommodations you cannot pay by credit card. You must submit a completed and supporting documentation with a copy of your CDPH-RHB eligibility letter and cashier's check or money order. For information on how to use this site check out the. User Guide:. Print appropriate application from your state website. Fill out application and mail to CDPH-RHB with the appropriate state application fee for eligibility determination.
NOTE: Do NOT include the examination fee. CDPH-RHB will determine your eligibility for the license for which you have applied. You will receive a letter from them informing you of your examination eligibility and instructions for paying your exam fee to the ARRT if necessary. If an exam is not necessary, and you are found eligible, you will receive your license at this time. The CDPH-RHB will enter your information into the STATERHC.ORG database.
Your CDPH-RHB eligibility period will start at this time. You must pay ARRT for your examination or any subsequent retakes at least 30 days prior to the end of your CDPH-RHB eligibility period. If you are a first time user, you will need to create a personal profile on this site. If you already have a profile, skip to. Select 'Register' from the login screen. Enter Zip Code, Date of Birth and last 4 digits of your Social Security Number as submitted on your state application. Verify the information that the state office has entered.
(Notify CDPH, not ARRT of any necessary changes). Select a username and password, fill in other personal information and create your profile. Pay for your examination by credit card. (Payment by cashier's check or money order is acceptable, but you will need to mail your payment with a copy of your CDPH-RHB eligibility letter to the ARRT. ) NOTE: Personal and business checks are not acceptable and will be returned.
Within approximately 10 business days you will receive a “candidate status report' and handbook from the ARRT. Call Pearson VUE, or go to their website and schedule your exam appointment time and location. Complete exam. Results will be mailed to you from the CDPH-RHB within 4 weeks.